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  2. Managing a Parents Evening

Managing a Parents Evening

Once you’re logged into your dashboard, Click the “Evenings” option on the left-hand side of the page. You’ll see a list of existing Evenings along with their available slots, total bookings and fill rate. To view the bookings in a form, click Actions and View Bookings.

Since this evening is targeted, we can toggle between who has booked and who hasn’t booked. You can use the send reminder to all button in either tab to either remind parents that they haven’t yet made a booking, or to remind them of their booking details.

We have a search functionality and some filter boxes that allow us to sort by teacher and date. This is an easy way to view all bookings for Mr Clayton on the 2nd, for example.

In the table below, we can see all of the slots that are both available and booked. We can see the date and time, the teacher it’s with, the booking status, the student and parent name, parent status and the time the booking was made.

Managing Breaks

You can add breaks for teachers by selecting the Mark as Break option under the Actions menu to mark that current slot as a break for that teacher. You can undo this by selecting Mark as Timeslot instead. This can be done in bulk, by selecting the timeslots you would like to convert to breaks, then selecting Group Actions and Mark as Breaks or Mark as Timeslots.

Adding a Booking

You can manually add a booking by pressing the Actions button next to an empty slot and selecting Add Booking. You will see the slot overview and be able to select a child then a parent. Press save, to save the booking.

Managing a Booking

You can use the Actions button next to any booked slot to manage a booking, you can send an individual reminder to a parent (this can either be system determined or a personalised). Sending a personalised message also allows you to choose how the notification should be sent, SMS, Email or Push notification.

You can also select the Manage Booking option to view the booking details, as well as change the child and parent the slot belongs to.

Finally, you can use the cancel booking option to remove the booking for that parent and make it available for others. They will receive a notification to let them know that their booking has been cancelled.

Exporting Booking Data

To export booking data, we first need to refine what we see in the table using the filters at the top, as this is what will be exported. Once you are happy with your selection, you can click the export button at the top of the results table to download a CSV of PDF.

Updated on September 2, 2022

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